magma13 Seed
Regeneration, Vitality and Wellbeing
magma13 Seed is a wearable pendant that combines Italian stylized elegance with premier Swiss technology for personal protection and harmonization. magma13 Seed generates a specific adaptogenic natural radiance energy field around your chest to support the natural capacity of the body to manage environmental and biological stressors. The magma13 formula inside the Seed acts as a modulator of cellular resonance to support and enhance the innate recovery and regenerative capacity of the body.
Wearing the Seed balances the natural healing cycle of the body through the harmonizing effect of magma13. The experience of Natural Ambient Energy has been shown to have significant human wellbeing benefits. magma13 creates a specific energetic experience, which simulates and amplifies a strong energy field able to mimic a natural vibrational regeneration process.
magma13 Seed generates an adaptogenic field of about 40 cm surrounding the seed. Due to a natural expansion and contraction of magma13 compound, a self-sustaining energy is created, which micro-adapts with the environment to ensure its self-cleansing properties, as well as long performance and durability. This natural field mimics a matrix where cells can better regulate, recognize and regenerate themselves.
Adaptogenic - magma13 Seed has a unique molecular structure of the magma13 compound helping humans to enhance physiological processes. It promotes more efficient organization, as well as expands the capacity to handle physical, mental, chemical and biological stress agents. This allows better resistance to stress, and increased wellness benefits.
Regenerative - magma13 technology creates a specific molecular pattern, which simulates and amplifies an energy field most similar to those you find in nature. Its regenerative properties restore a natural energy exchange of essential resources and bio-rhythm within the environment. Owing to a natural expansion and contraction of the magma13 molecular patterns, a self-sustaining energy is created, to ensure self-cleansing properties.
Resonant – magma13 within the Seed assists in harnessing ambient radiation and the natural electromagnetic field to create a consistent energetic resonance within the space. The field creates a coherent effect of natural energy, which harmonizes and enlivens the environment.
Protective – Wearing magma13 Seed helps make coherent and synchronize our innate adaptogenic response to specific destructive stressors within the environment, such as electromagnetic, geopathic, and any other harmful environmental radiations and entropic forces.
Coherent – The positive and steady balance of natural ambient energy from magma13 technology, comprises a unique spectrum of vibrations. This quality can be seen exactly as micro-honeycomb models of crystallization under a microscope or dedicated hyperspectral analysis in research labs, as well as concretely experienced by people within the environment itself.
Note: You should not use this information for diagnosing or treating a medical or health condition. Experiences, benefits and individual results may vary for each person. These statements have not been evaluated or approved by any governmental public health agency, and are shared by SOLS for educational and information purposes only. You should consult a physician in all matters relating to your health, and particularly in respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.
Reported Benefits
Increases energy and stability
Improves anti-inflammatory factors
Makes you feel more centered
Improves breathing
Enhances energy flow and balance
Promotes longevity
Strengthens regeneration of the body
Increases natural vitality
Optimizes energy resourcing

Personal Resonance and Harmonization
Wearing the Seed can help balance the natural healing cycle of the body through the harmonizing effect of magma13. The experience of Natural Ambient Energy has been shown to have significant human wellbeing benefits.

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