magma13 Ray
magma13 Ray is a personal regenerative device, featuring proprietary technology. The Ray amplifies a vitalizing Natural Ambient Energy field, which supports overall well-being and energizes your environment.
- Increases energy and stability
- Improves anti-inflammatory factors
- Makes you feel more centered
- Promotes restful sleep
- Enhances energy flow and balance
- Promotes longevity
- Strengthens regeneration of the body
- Increases natural vitality
- Optimizes energy resourcing
magma13 Ray can be helpful in stimulating in the close proximity of the device, the natural regenerative capacity of the body through the harmonization of Natural Ambient Energy. The experience of Natural Ambient Energy has been shown to have significant human well-being benefits. magma13 creates a specific energetic effect and structure, which simulates and amplifies a balancing energy field most similar to what one would find in ideal nature. This restores a natural rhythm in the space around the Ray 100 promoting overall wellbeing, as well as focused applications for the body and the environment close by. This positive and coherent balance of Natural Ambient Energy emits a subtle, yet powerful, palpable effect oriented through the hyper-coherent structure of magma13. This can be seen as micro-honeycomb crystallization when looked at under a microscope, as well as felt when holding the device.
magma13 Ray is able to organically collect and dissipate congested energies within a small area of 100 cm close to the body. Due to a natural fluctuation of magma13 compound, a self-sustaining energy field is created, which micro-adapts with the environment to ensure its self-cleansing properties, as well as long performance and durability. This makes the Ray especially helpful in various applications, including personal space treatment at your working desk, in your car, close to your body at night, and is a personal well-being device against inflammation, fatigue, and pain within the body where you notice a lack of flow of natural ambient energy or a feeling of stagnation.
The human body is comprised of 70% water. In addition to energizing the water within our body’s cells, magma13 Ray is effective at energizing the water we drink. It is also effective at adding greater coherence and resonance to our supplements and the remedies we take. The Ray helps to create a coherent energizing effect, with maximum vitalization and energization of water it is exposed to
The mini regenerative space created by Ray is a ‘peaceful island’, a real and tangible experience of well-being. It is the result of SOLS’ work and relentless efforts to improve the quality of life for humans, animals, and plants.
magma13 Ray is highly portable and can be very useful as a tool for travel. The field created, from this magma13 device, is specifically localized to the distance of 1 meter in all directions from the Ray and has a natural energetic resonance that increases environmental well-being. The application of the technology also helps to neutralize specific destructive environmental stressors, such as electromagnetic, geopathic, and other harmful environmental radiations that you may experience while traveling. People with electro-sensitivity or electro-hypersensitivity can especially benefit from carrying the Ray wherever they go or placing it close to their working or sleeping areas. The field sustained with magma13 Ray helps to mitigate and neutralize the effects of electropollution and electrosmog in the environment.
magma13 Ray is a completely safe tool that can be used by anyone without any problems or contraindications to use. It is suggested that children under 13 be supervised with the Ray, as it is potentially a blunt metal instrument.
Results from research on human somatic and mesenchymal stem cells, suggest that magma13, regenerative spaces, induce specific mechanisms to support gene and protein expression related to cell regeneration, which support the basic functions of life, including anti-aging effects, enhanced adaptogenic factors, decreased inflammatory effects, and stronger and more useful resistance to physical, biophysical, mechanical, electrical, and chemical stresses.
On the Body - Apply the Ray directly to the body where you feel an energy block or the need for more vitality. This may appear to you as inflammation, pain, discomfort or any specific awareness. The Ray can be applied to any external body part such as knee, ankle, back, shoulder, or any part of your body. The Ray can also be kept close to you, during the day or while sleeping, to enhance your personal regenerative space.
For focused application - Place the base of the Ray (the side with the 10 holes) directly in the area of the body that we want to treat, with the magma13 symbol facing away from you. It is preferable to be in touch with the surface of the area, but the application can also be done through clothing. Leave the Ray in the specific spot for a minimum of 5-10 minutes or up to 30 minutes or longer. Apply as much as desired each day, or as suggested by a qualified practitioner.
For general application, the Ray can be held on the body, carried with you, or placed close to you in your environment. The ability to be able to benefit from the Ray is unlimited!
The magma13 Ray is completely anodized thus will not allow any potential metal particles to be released from the surface of the device to clothes or the skin.
Note: You should not use this information for diagnosing or treating a medical or health condition. Experiences, benefits and individual results may vary for each person. These statements have not been evaluated or approved by any governmental public health agency, and are shared by SOLS for educational and information purposes only. You should consult a physician in all matters relating to your health, and particularly in respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.
Adaptogenic Properties
magma13 Ray is able to organically collect and dissipate congested energies within a small area of 100 cm close to the body. This makes the Ray especially helpful in various applications, including personal space treatment (personal protection device within 100 cm at your working desk), in your car, close to your body at night, and is a personal well-being device against inflammation, fatigue, and pain within the body where you notice a lack of flow of natural ambient energy or a feeling of stagnation.

Personal Regeneration
Your body needs to recharge, and the magma13 Ray helps you connect to an unlimited source of natural energy. Throughout the day we become run down from the mental, emotional, chemical, and physical stresses. For our bodies to function optimally, our bodies need from time to time to be restored. Usually, we do this with sleep, however in the modern world our sleep has become disturbed, and our attention is always being called up. Thanks to magma13 Ray, we can truly enhance our body’s energy and regenerative capacity.

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